From Words to Actions: Understanding and Supporting LGBTQ+ Loved Ones

Father and son embracing

Have you ever really considered what it means to truly support your LGBTQ+ loved ones? Navigating the complex and ever-evolving universe of gender identity and sexual orientation isn’t just some highbrow mental gymnastics—it’s absolutely vital for deepening your relationships and showing genuine, meaningful support. By genuinely embracing this knowledge, you carve out a space where your loved ones can feel truly seen and valued.

Here at Horn Counseling, our commitment is steadfast: to foster an environment that not only welcomes but wholeheartedly celebrates individuals from all walks of life—irrespective of their race, religion, origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Throughout our journey, we’ve had the honor of working closely with numerous individuals from the LGBTQ+ community. These courageous souls have opened up about their sometimes painful, always personal experiences with miscommunication and misunderstandings from those closest to them. From well-meaning yet hurtful comments to outright denial of their true identities, these narratives echo a universal call for empathy, openness, and an unconditionally non-judgmental approach that is sorely needed from their family and friends.

This blog is our contribution to closing that gap. A gap often widened by misunderstandings and a simple lack of know-how. We're here to arm you with knowledge and practical tools to help you forge genuine, heartfelt connections with your LGBTQ+ family and friends. Let's ditch the awkward small talk and half-hearted support that come from tiptoeing around what we don't understand. Instead, let’s dive headfirst into truly embracing and connecting with our family and friends—using both our words and our actions to show we're all in. This isn’t about just showing up; it’s about being present, fully and unapologetically. 

Clarifying Key Concepts in Gender and Sexuality

All Aspects of Identity LGBTQ+

Gender Identity—what does this really mean to you? For a lot of folks, it's a personal echo of being male, female, or maybe something that doesn’t fit neatly into those age-old boxes. It’s more than just a detail; it’s deeply woven into the fabric of who they are. Then there's Gender Expression, which is all about how you sling that identity out into the world—through the clothes you rock, the way you carry yourself, and the various other ways you broadcast your inner reality to the people around you. It’s your personal style statement but on a profound, existential level.

And what about Sexual Attraction? This isn't just about who catches your eye across a crowded room; it's about who you find yourself drawn to in the most romantic or sexual ways. This spectrum stretches from straight (heterosexual) to queer (homosexual) and everything in between. It’s about who you vibe with, who you love or lust after. Then, swinging back to biology, we hit Anatomical Sex—the physical traits we're born with. And closely tied to this is Sex Assigned at Birth, the label slapped on you by a doctor based on what's seen on the outside, which might not jive with how you feel on the inside. These aren’t just arbitrary tags or idle chit-chat topics; they form the cornerstone of a person’s identity. They're the bedrock of how someone experiences the world and how the world sees them back.

You can download a copy of the All Aspects of Identity Handout from Horn Counseling to help you connect with and advocate for your loved ones.

Why You Should Give A Damn? 

Why should we give a damn about these distinctions? Simply put, they clue us into how our loved ones experience the world. Gender identity, gender expression, anatomical sex, and sexual attraction—while these might seem like a bunch of academic terms, they're actually the components that make up the complex mosaic of a person's identity. They’re distinct but deeply interconnected, kind of like the different instruments in a band playing together to create a single piece of music. By understanding and appreciating these nuances, we can throw societal expectations out the window and meet our loved ones exactly where they stand—embracing their true selves in all their unique complexity. This isn’t just about making nice or making someone feel good. You’re not just indulging someone's “weak” sensitivities; it’s about transforming our relationships and fostering a genuine connection that acknowledges and celebrates people for who they are, not who we or anyone else thinks they should be.

Understanding Gender: Beyond the Binary

The Fundamentals of Gender Identity

Imagine you're caught in a relentless tug-of-war between your authentic self and the rigid expectations society slaps on you based on your looks. This is the daily reality for transgender and non-binary folks. Their gender identity—their profound, internal sense of who they are—often clashes with the sex that some doctor scribbled on their birth certificate. Grasping this can flip a switch from passive sympathy to active empathy. It's about backing your loved one’s quest to live out loud as their true self, breaking away from societal scripts. Understanding someone's journey is vital to truly support them in a world that tries to shove people into neat little boxes. Be slow to say you understand, and try to have an attitude of curiosity with your loved one. Ask as many questions as possible to understand their experience more and more. 

Gender Expression and Its Impacts

Let's get real for a moment. Imagine you decide to wear something that feels you totally—maybe it's a flashy pair of shoes, a bold new haircut, or that skirt you've always liked but never had the guts to wear out. You're feeling great, right? But then, boom. The world hits you with judgment and side-eyes that slice through your confidence like a hot knife through butter. It sucks, doesn't it?

This is the daily reality for many people when their gender expression doesn't fit into the neat little boxes society has pre-packaged for us. Whether it's a man in a dress or a woman rocking a buzzcut, expressions outside the "norm" can trigger everything from awkward glances to outright hostility, from profanity to physical assault.  

So, why does this matter? Because, at its core, gender expression is an intensely personal and empowering aspect of who we are. It's about bringing the internal into the external, showing the world our true colors. Supporting your loved ones in their gender expression isn't just a nice gesture—it's a lifeline. It's telling them, "Hey, I see you, and hell yes to being yourself."

Breaking free from the vice grip of traditional norms opens up a space where everyone can breathe easier. It's about ditching the script that says pink is for girls and blue is for boys, that men can't cry, and women can't be tough. It’s about letting people be their own guide to expressing who they are without the BS of societal expectations.

Encourage your loved ones to paint their masterpiece of self-expression. Stand by them. Protect them. And above all, celebrate them. The world will catch up eventually. In the meantime, there’s immense power in living authentically, and that’s something worth fighting for.

The Importance of Inclusive Language

Outdated Terms and Their Implications

Language is more slippery than a greased pig at a county fair. As our understanding of gender and sexuality grows, the words we use to describe them twist and turn over time. Take "transsexual," for instance. This term was once common, but now it’s slipping into the shadows of our vocabulary, overtaken by more nuanced expressions that better reflect the experiences of the people they describe.

Keeping up with the latest lingo is about more than just being politically correct. It’s about not being a jerk. Using the right terms signals that you give a damn about how others feel. It shows that you respect them enough to hit pause on your assumptions and learn. Nobody wants to be that person at the party spewing terms from the dark ages of gender politics. Simply put, it’s hurtful. Intentional or not, the effects of hurting someone are still there. And there is nothing wrong with owning up to the mistake, asking for forgiveness, and learning from that mistake. Every mistake is an opportunity to learn. 

So, how do we avoid being unintentionally offensive? Stay curious. Educate yourself. When in doubt, ask someone their preferred terms. It's like updating your phone's software; it enhances communication and keeps everything running smoothly. Let’s make sure we’re all speaking the language of respect.

When you use the terms that someone identifies with, what you’re really saying is, “I see you. I hear you. You matter to me.” And isn’t that the core of what we all want? To be seen and respected by others?

Supporting LGBTQ+ Loved Ones

Creating a Supportive Environment

So, what does a genuinely supportive home look like? It’s a space where everyone’s unique identity isn’t just tolerated but celebrated. It’s not saying, “I’ll always love you, but I don’t have to like or agree with what you’re doing.” It’s where questions aren’t fired like accusations but served gently, with a side of genuine curiosity and respect. And this isn't just about keeping the peace during Thanksgiving dinner—it’s about everyone actively engaging, learning from each other's experiences, and growing together.

Creating such an environment isn’t just putting up a "Love is Love" poster and calling it a day. It's about crafting a place where your loved ones can kick off their shoes, drop the day’s mask at the door, and bask in the safety and love of a home that gets them. By fostering this type of environment, you’re telling your LGBTQ+ loved ones, "Hey, I see you. I’ve got your back. You’re safe here." And believe me, that feeling? It’s golden.

Communicating About Gender and Sexual Identity

Navigating conversations about gender and sexual identity can feel like tiptoeing through a minefield, right? Here’s the kicker: it doesn’t have to. The trick is not just in what you say but how you say it—setting the stage for open, honest dialogue without crossing boundaries.

Start with open-ended questions that encourage sharing. Something like, “How do you feel about how people talk about gender today?” rather than “So, what are you?” These questions open the door without barging in, letting the person you’re talking to set the pace and depth of the conversation.

Next, embrace the art of listening—really listening. This doesn’t mean nodding along while planning your next interjection. It means actually absorbing what the other person says, then reflecting it back to show you get it, even if you don’t always agree or fully understand. This kind of active listening fosters a genuine connection, making the other person feel heard and valued.

And remember, your actions often speak louder than words. Show support through what you do, not just by what you say. Whether it’s standing up against discriminatory jokes, attending Pride events as an ally, or simply respecting someone’s pronouns—these actions build trust and underline your spoken support with concrete evidence.

By encouraging open dialogue through curious questions, active listening, and supportive actions, you pave the way for trust and deeper understanding. It’s about creating a space where discussions about gender and sexual identity can unfold naturally and respectfully—because it’s not just about making a point; it’s about making a difference.

Encouraging Openness Without Intrusiveness

When you're encouraging your loved ones to open up about their thoughts and feelings concerning their identity, it's like walking a tightrope. On one hand, you want them to know you're there, fully ready to dive into the deep end with them. On the other hand, you've got to respect their need for space and privacy. It's their story, their timeline, their show. Let them run it.

This approach isn't just about being polite; it's about empowering them. By letting them steer the conversation, you validate their control over their own narrative. It shows you trust them to know their needs and boundaries, which is much more supportive than pushing them into corners or pulling secrets out of them. This isn’t about you filling silences with your curiosity—it’s about them feeling confident and autonomous enough to voice their truth on their terms. So, back off when needed and listen up when the time is right. This isn’t just respect; it's empowerment in its purest form.

What’s Next? 

Every step you take toward truly grasping the world of your LGBTQ+ loved ones does more than just bring you closer—it cements a bedrock of trust between you. This journey isn’t about one epic heart-to-heart or a single monumental act. Nope, it’s about the long haul—the continuous, sometimes gritty commitment to stand by them through thick and thin.

So, keep hitting the books, keep the conversations flowing, and keep marking your presence in their lives. It’s about showing up, being present, and actively participating in the myriad moments that define their experiences. This isn’t just support; it’s active engagement in celebrating their authenticity and riding through the challenges alongside them. Forge ahead together because living authentically isn't just about thriving in the good times—it's about weathering the storms with resilience and unity.

If you are ready to start your therapy journey, reach out to us at Horn Counseling. We can help you get connected with a therapist in your area that will
help you reach your therapy goals.

Action Steps to Support LGBTQ+ Loved Ones

  • Educate Yourself Continuously

    • Read and Research: Regularly read books and articles and watch documentaries about LGBTQ+ experiences and issues. Focus primarily on materials created by LGBTQ+ authors and filmmakers. You can check out our list of book recommendations that will help you learn more about the LGBTQ+ Community.

  • Use Inclusive Language

    • Ask for Pronouns: Politely ask everyone (not just people whose gender might be unclear to you) which pronouns they use. This normalizes the conversation about gender identity.

    • Correct Yourself and Others: If you make a mistake with someone's pronoun or name, correct yourself and move on without making a fuss. Similarly, gently correct others if they use the wrong terms, explaining why it’s important.

  • Create a Supportive Environment

    • Express Openness and Non-judgment: Make it clear through your words and actions that your home and presence are safe spaces for open expression without fear of judgment.

    • Visibility of Support: Display symbols of support, such as pride flags or inclusive messages, that show you stand with the LGBTQ+ community.

  • Engage in Open Conversations

    • Initiate Thoughtful Dialogues: Start conversations about topics covered in the news related to LGBTQ+ rights and issues to gauge their thoughts and share insights in a respectful manner.

    • Listen Actively: Show that you value their feelings and experiences by listening more than you speak, and acknowledge their feelings without trying to "solve" everything.

  • Advocate and Ally Up

    • Stand Up Against Discrimination: If you witness discrimination or hear hate speech, stand up against it in a calm and firm manner. Your action can encourage others to do the same.

    • Support LGBTQ+ Businesses and Artists: Purchase from LGBTQ+ artists and businesses and donate to LGBTQ+ causes that align with advancing rights and support for the community.

  • Encourage Community Involvement

    • Participate in Events Together: Attend pride events, LGBTQ+ art exhibits, and community gatherings with your loved one to show your support and to better understand their world.

    • Join Support Groups: If you are a parent, partner, or close family member of someone in the LGBTQ+ community, consider joining a support group to learn from others’ experiences and share your own.

  • Check-In Regularly

    • Provide Emotional Check-Ins: Regularly check in on their emotional well-being without prying into their personal life. Offer a listening ear and reaffirm your support for their identity.

    • Encourage Professional Support: If they are facing challenges related to their identity, encourage them to seek support from professionals who specialize in LGBTQ+ mental health.

By implementing these steps, you can actively contribute to a positive change in your loved one's life and ensure that you are part of their support system in a meaningful way. Remember, the journey of understanding and support is ongoing and evolves as you learn and grow together.


"The Genderbread Person" by Sam Killermann

"The ABCs of LGBT+" by Ash Hardell

The Trevor Project

Tanisha Thelemaque, PHD


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