Emotional Health, Social Health Reid Horn Emotional Health, Social Health Reid Horn

Gaslighting: The Slow Burn of Psychological Abuse

Gaslighting might seem like a confusing buzzword thrown around these days, but trust me, it's more than just a trendy term. By the time we're done here, you'll have a rock-solid grasp of what gaslighting truly entails and why it's crucial to spot it, particularly within your family dynamics. So, prepare yourselves for a deep dive into the intricate and often murky waters of gaslighting – because knowledge truly is power, especially when safeguarding your mental and emotional well-being within your closest relationships.

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Understanding Adult ADHD

Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a well-known condition commonly associated with difficulties in impulse control, hyperactivity, and a reduced ability to concentrate for extended periods. While it is often believed that ADHD is an issue that only affects children and young adults, growing research suggests that ADHD does not disappear with age. It is estimated that symptoms persist into adulthood for as many as 60% of those diagnosed with the disorder during childhood.

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ADHD in the Workplace

One of the most critical areas for accommodation is executive functioning abilities. Executive functions are a set of cognitive skills that include prioritizing, organizing, strategizing, maintaining focus, and working memory, all of which are essential for tasks that require sustained mental effort. The executive functioning symptoms of ADHD can include difficulty planning and prioritizing tasks, struggles with motivation and initiating tasks, poor organizational skills, difficulty completing tasks from start to finish, and poor attention to detail.

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From "Nice Guy" to Genuine Kindness: Tips for Overcoming Nice Guy Syndrome

Being kind and considerate is a desirable trait often admired and respected. Helping others, being pleasant, and practicing generosity can make us feel good about ourselves and positively impact those around us. However, if we start to expect something in return for our kindness and feel disappointed or resentful when it doesn't happen, we may be dealing with what is commonly referred to as "nice guy syndrome" (NGS).

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True Self-Care: Why It Matters and How to Find Yours

Self-care has become a buzzword recently, but what does it mean? Many of us associate self-care with bubble baths, massages, and indulging in our favorite treats. While these activities can be enjoyable, they don't always provide the long-lasting benefits we need to refuel and recharge.

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