Social Health, Emotional Health Reid Horn Social Health, Emotional Health Reid Horn

Strength in Numbers: How Social Support Shields Trauma

In this article, we will discuss the incredible power of social support in helping us weather life's storms. As a mental health therapist who's been practicing for over ten years, I've seen firsthand how having a strong support team can make all the difference, especially when it comes to dealing with trauma. So buckle up because we're about to dive into how our attachment to others can be our greatest asset against life's toughest challenges.

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From the Cradle to Today: Childhood's Trauma Shadow

Have you ever considered how your childhood experiences might still affect you today? It's a heavy topic but an important one. You see, the things we go through as kids can cast a long shadow over our adult lives, shaping how we think, feel, and interact as we see the world, others, and ourselves. In this article, we are going to take a small dive into the complex world of childhood trauma. If this article becomes too heavy, take a break and do some self-care by going for a walk or talking with a friend. 

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Emotional Health, Social Health Reid Horn Emotional Health, Social Health Reid Horn

Gaslighting: The Slow Burn of Psychological Abuse

Gaslighting might seem like a confusing buzzword thrown around these days, but trust me, it's more than just a trendy term. By the time we're done here, you'll have a rock-solid grasp of what gaslighting truly entails and why it's crucial to spot it, particularly within your family dynamics. So, prepare yourselves for a deep dive into the intricate and often murky waters of gaslighting – because knowledge truly is power, especially when safeguarding your mental and emotional well-being within your closest relationships.

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