Understanding High-Functioning Anxiety: Signs and Symptoms

What is High-Functioning Anxiety?

Anxiety is a normal and expected part of life. It is a natural stress response and can help us stay alert and focused. However, when anxiety becomes excessive and interferes with daily activities, it can be a problem. High-functioning anxiety is a term that describes when people feel anxious but are still able to function in their daily lives. This type of anxiety is not an official diagnosis, but it can still be distressing and impact quality of life. Here are some signs and symptoms of high-functioning anxiety to watch out for.

Signs of High-Functioning Anxiety

Rigidity Around Time

One sign of high-functioning anxiety is rigidity around time. People with this type of anxiety may have difficulty being flexible and feel stressed or agitated when their routine or schedule is disrupted. They may also be chronically early to avoid being late, which can cause undue stress and anxiety.

Poor Boundaries

Another sign of high-functioning anxiety is poor boundaries. People with this type of anxiety may have difficulty saying no and may take on more than they can handle. This can lead to chronic stress, fatigue, and resentment, impacting their mental and physical health.

Black-or-White Thinking

High-functioning anxiety can cause people to engage in black-or-white thinking, where everything is seen as good or bad, with no middle ground. This type of thinking is a cognitive distortion that simplifies the world into two predictable categories. While this may provide a sense of control, it can also limit opportunities for growth and change.

Sleep Issues

People with high-functioning anxiety may experience sleep issues, such as difficulty falling or staying asleep. They may find it hard to turn off their worries or relax their bodies, which can lead to a cycle of anxiety and sleep disturbances.

Substance Use

Some people with high-functioning anxiety may use alcohol or drugs to cope with their symptoms. However, this can lead to further problems and may exacerbate anxiety symptoms.

Emotional Challenges

High-functioning anxiety can also cause people to feel emotionally detached or numb. This may be a way of coping with the high stress and anxiety they experience, but it can also impact their ability to form and maintain healthy relationships.


People with high-functioning anxiety may ruminate, constantly replicating past conversations or events in their heads. This can lead to guilt or shame and make it difficult to move on from these experiences.

Repetitive Behaviors

High-functioning anxiety can cause people to engage in repetitive behaviors, such as nail-biting or fidgeting. These behaviors may provide a sense of control or comfort, but they can also distract and impact daily functioning.


Finally, people with high-functioning anxiety may experience restlessness, manifesting as difficulty sitting still or staying in one place for too long. This can also impact concentration and lead to feelings of agitation.


High-functioning anxiety is a type of anxiety that can impact daily functioning while still allowing individuals to perform their responsibilities. It is important to recognize the signs and symptoms of high-functioning anxiety and seek appropriate treatment. With proper care and support, people with high-functioning anxiety can learn to manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life. If you would like to start your therapy journey and work on anxiety, reach out to Horn Counseling, and we can help you find a therapist in your area.


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